The Spark Edition

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Spark Edition 025: Minimalist calendar, video from mars and pizza boxes

Image Credit: Katrin Huth

Hi there,

It’s that time between seasons when things are shifting and changing which, especially this year, can make things seem even more turbulent. How do you find ways to keep grounded? Email me and let me know! I hope you like the links in this edition, the one to Poolside FM was a welcome discovery this week.

On to the links...

brain food

The surface of Mars

This video, put together by Elderfox Documentaries, uses stills captured by NASA from their martian rovers. Pretty amazing, clear footage of another planet.

How to photograph your work with limited resources

When you’re starting out and need to show your work online with limited funds, this article will help. Photographer Luke Evans has written a simple article on how to photograph 2D and 3D work. Now more than ever our work needs to be seen online.

clever tools

Simple online to do list / calendar

This is a really simple online calendar, well more of a to do list. As soon as you open the page you can add things in on the diary. The free tier lets you use 2 colours, for $4 a month you can sync your Google Calendar and add more colours. To be honest though it's just fine as it is. Plus you can print it. Very nicely designed and user friendly.

Golden Hour calculator

I use this app all the time when I'm out taking photos. It tells you when Golden hour is so you can plan to capture photos in the best light. You can add extra locations, very useful if you are going on holiday. Really nicely designed as well, simple and easy to use.

fun stuff

Mixtapes for the poolside

Poolside FM is what we’re going to need this winter. I really love how they have done this, the whole feel of it is quite retro. With the simple concept of a player that curates music that we would enjoy listening to sitting by the pool, it has the look and feel of the early days of the internet. Works on desktop, mobile and they have an app. I put this newsletter together listening to it.

The World's Largest Pizza Box Collection

Never thought pizza boxes could come in so many different designs. So next time you order a pizza think about this guy - he collects pizza boxes, and he has more than 1550. The boxes are great for art - just like LP's used to be.