The Spark Edition

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Spark Edition 079: Cold Water therapy, book finder & ducklings

Image Credit: Tom Mrazek

brain food

Why cold water therapy could be good for you

The idea of throwing yourself in an ice-cold bath might not appeal, but more and more people are giving cold water therapy a try. This article explains why it might be good for you, plus how to get started.

How some celebrities would look today if they were alive

Not really sure how the photographer did this. Really interesting set of images. The one of John Lennon really reminds me of someone.

clever tools

Find your'e next book

This clever site will show you a page from a book, so you can get a feel for if you'll like it. The trick is you don't know what you're reading, or who by, until you click 'reveal'.

Minimalist pomodoro timer for Mac and iPhone

This is a really nicely designed app to use the Pomodoro technique. If you didn't know, you work in 25-minute sprints, then take a 5-minute break. After 4 sets of 25 minutes, a 30-minute break is taken.

fun stuff

Play with jelly

This fun little site lets you play with a jelly-like substance on screen. Very clever.

Border Collie Herds ducklings to water

This is just too cute.