What is the Spark Edition?

It’s a fortnightly newsletter to show you what I’ve found in the way of cool tools and fun treats from the internet. There will also be links to thoughtfully made resources to enable you to work better and faster.

Each Spark Edition will include the following…

  • Tools and apps to help you work and play better

  • Actionable articles on personal finance, travel and self-improvement, career and business

  • Quirky fun stuff

Who is it for?

Those that feel like there’s more to learn, more to find out. I hope it will appeal to the curious and awaken curiosity in others. It’s for everyone who wants to feel inspired.


I like sharing nice stuff! I think if good people have access to good resources then bit by bit the world becomes a better place.

Who made it?

That’ll be me, Ruth Carrick-Forrester.  I’m one of you, a face on the train, a tiny profile picture.  I’ve been a photographer, strategist, arts programmer, librarian and lots more besides (aren’t we all!)   If you want to get in touch or just say hi, I’m usually lurking around on twitter here, or drop me a line at ruth (at) sparkedition.com, it would be great to hear from you.  

Got a tip?

Send it to me in an email - ruth (at) sparkedition.com